Are you interested in our products, do you have a question or would you like to know more about us? Please get in touch.


Hemelter Mühle
Hemelter Mühle GmbH & Co. KG
Surenburgstraße 69
D-48429 Rheine

Telephone: +49 5971 80821-0
Fax: +49 5971 80821-77

Bild Kontakt Version 2

How to find us

Rheine location

Navigation address: Surenburgstraße 69, D-48429 Rheine

Coordinates: 52°16'38.4"N 7°27'33.0"E


Spelle location

Navigation adress: Hafenstraße 6, D-48480 Spelle

Coordinates: 52°20'47.7"N 7°26'08.3"E